Monday, April 6, 2009

I wanna shoot the whole day down




I feel like a failure already, and I've only had two classes.
I'm going to fucking lose my mind.
I hate my pottymouth, but it was my dad's fault.

I'm in such a shitty mood.
I wanna go home so quickly.

Monday, later:

Poster signing was depressing. Like no one signed my poster. I'm kind of seriously distraught by it. Some people didn't even have the decency to write ANYTHING, especially people who I thought were cool or friendly. That sucks.

1 comment:

Pooja said...

"Pooja-Simply Stunning"
He wrote that on everyone's
I feel like he atleast owes me a decent signing....
I wrote
"Drama aside, you are a sweet person. I still had a lot of fun and I'm glad we're friends."
It may be a TOTAL lie but atleast i tried