Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Maybe I'm just blind

Ugh I was sick yesterday. A fever, nothing special, but I woke up Sunday feeling ill, with the looping dreams that often signify illness. Sunday was hellish because I didn't even know how sick I was, so I went out, sick as a dog on a boat, and of course I ripped my pants.

Yesterday, in between the runs and my fever I ate:
Noodles (that tasted like waffles)
Toast with jam
More applesauce
a poptart
an ice cream sammich

My diet was a mess, but I'm back to my unnaturally low temperature.

Sam is driving me up a wall again. I thought he was ignoring me after rudely telling me about a concert where he removed his shirt because it was so hot out (meanie; he knew he was torturing me), but it turns out he went to scout summer camp. He was back Saturday, and we watched SNL together through texting, but he left again Sunday for a 7-day leadership conference and he will be back next Sunday again, only to leave immeadiatley for a boy scout trip. Worst of all? I'm leaving Friday for the beach for a week (yay for me), and I probably won't get a hold of him before he leaves for the trip, meaning I won't be able to talk to him for another two weeks. It kills me, because I love talking to him and SURPRISE! My friends are being bitches again!

Oh the internet. All the girls on facebook put pictures of them having fun without me, without even inviting me or telling me they were going; I get the hint, but if you don't like me, fucking tell me. Don't play nice, you bitches. Be honest.
At least I got to hang with Chelsie again. She admitted she's bad at balancing a boyfriend and friends, but she got rid of her facebook. I missed her.

Also, yummy yummy Dark Knight. Everyone at Writer's Camp told me it was amazing and I got to see it friday with my brother since he finally was off work.

Love love love.

More on Batman another time. I'm going to get some REAL food and watch the secret life of the american teenager :)

I'm the opposite of psychic. I have no idea what the hell I'm thinking. - Wendy Liebman.

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