Saturday, August 16, 2008


So the hospital was not nearly as bad as I expected. It did put a few things in perspective for me.
Being on bedrest for about 24-hours, however, has helped my posture. I hate feeling as slumped as I did. I also stayed, but a freak planning error, in the pediatric oncology ward: the children's cancer unit. It was so odd, but the view was so beautiful. I feel so blessed now; my faith in God feels a bit restored, it really does.

My recovery is going super. I got home yesterday afternoon after following a bickering couple on the way from the Hospital. It was like watching Jerry Springer, I swear.

My brother, however, stole my post-Hospital attention; he cut himself today at work and had to be taken by ambulance to a different hospital because he bumped his head twice after fainting at the sight of his own blood. I've so been tooling on him.
I kinda like his new girlfriend. He said while I watched him play Portal "I don't need your approval. You need my approval for your boyfriends. It's a double standard." As funny as that was, I gotta say, this kid is so bad with girlfriends. This girl is cute though. I like her.

My cousin came over and helped me recover as we reveled in all things silly. I laughed so hard yesterday and today, probably too hard for my poor kidney.
I tooled on her Senior pictures. She looks ridokulously stoned in a few of them. Smiley face.

I so want to see A Dark Knight again. Joker nurse yay.

I painted Marie and Annie journals for their birthday. Two months late, but God, those things were WORK. I'll post pictures maybe if I feel like it.

Ugh, and Sam comes home in two days. I kind of want him to come back so I can find closure for him being such a cold jerk before he left; part of me wants him back, just because I haven't spoken to him for so long, and I miss his silly antics that perked up the doldrums of summer.

However, a greater part of me, considers now that he's single and met a ton of girls at church camp a few weeks ago and it's going to be painful to see which one he picks over me; that part of me wishes he was gone for good.

I don't know how I feel anymore. Part of me wonders if he's still real. He's turning into the first guy I liked, the one I saw so infrequently I questioned his existance to the point I pondered if he was imaginary. Hell, that's been all three guys I've had crushes on. The only confirmation of the first guy's existance was his myspace. The second one I wondered was an angel, for real. But Sam feels to be fading fast; I just don't think he's human any more.
No one can be this perfect, yet this cruel.

Learning "Please forgive me" by David Gray on piano. Need to finish summer reading, dammit.

Oh well; ♥

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