Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dark Blue

Well my, my. Who fails at blogging?
I do!

I finally solved my problem. I broke down, made a scene, and found my true friends.
We're going to Disney is less than a month.
I don't care about the musical I didn't get into any more. I'm designing lights for my school's show. I've done about three shows (or show-like things), plus an internship at the aquarium on Saturdays instead of the stupid musical, which, according to my sources, is doomed.
The cast can't sing, can't dance, Sam can't remember his lines, and the first show is tomorrow night.
I won't let myself think nasty things anymore. That is how I isolate myself. This is how I blind myself to my real friends. But I'm glad I know who they are and that we're all in the same boat.

We had a Drug Lady visit school last week. She was awesome. Recovered addict, she's hilarious, but makes you realize that that shit is nasty.
She made a joke about my Chem class being the geeky, non-party class, and I told her my D&D parties were INTENSE. She believed me for a second, before I confessed to kidding. Then she asked if we read fanfic and ate pizza on friday nights.
Bahaha. Quite true.
The next day she let me play with her Macbook Air. FUN.
The day after she gave my Chem class a shoutout in assembly. It was epic.
The last day i confessed how naiive I felt about how much drug use there was at my school. She said that's a good thing. I felt good.

Admittedly, I was a bit out of my head last week. I'm not into sex and drugs, but I was feeling so shickingly indifferent about stuff I'm not intending to do. It was a bit mistifying.

I'm better.

My brother came back for spring break last week, too. After doing nothing, he took me to see Watchmen. It was EPIC.

I dunno. This has been a plesant week. I've got a big weekend, with the play practice, Coffeehouse, Aquarium Exam, and Talent show to attend.

I'm glad to be busy, though. Makes me feel excited.

1 comment:

Pooja said...

and also
schmadam is forgetting his lines TOO
and actually, i've heard from several people that its falling apart
and i bet they will be ABSOFUCKINLUTELY awesome for r+j
kay i'm done stalking now.

and also, i'm confused because drug lady told mrs kenney that i should be on her "radar"
she was concerned about me...
??? do i act like a future addict?